I am Honey. I have many tales to tell, but perhaps the most important one is how I came to preside over my current human. You see, there was a time when I was in a much less satisfactory situation.
I still remember my previous human, I don’t share much about him, but unfortunately, he left this mortal realm too soon. This departure saw me transferred to some other humans, a decision I found most perplexing. It wasn’t their lack of charm that bothered me, oh no. It was their ghastly idea of making me share their garage. With dogs, no less! Preposterous, right?
Humans don’t have the best decision making skills, so I resolved to take matters into my own paws. I stumbled upon a delightful house tucked away in the woods. With my feline flair, I peeked into the window and made a grand announcement of my arrival. Imagine my shock when these humans had the audacity to laugh at me! I wasn’t being funny. Then on top of it, they had the nerve to tell me to ‘go home’, as if I hadn’t already chosen my new home – with them!!! See… humans don’t know what’s good for them.
They say patience is a virtue, and it’s one that us cats have mastered. It took a few days for my persistence to pay off. However, the garage-dwelling humans had the audacity to retrieve me, placing me in a cage in the back of their truck- a DOG cage. How degrading! But a cat has to do what a cat has to do. I returned to my woodland haven, once more asserting my claim.
The humans at my chosen abode also owned a dog. But thankfully, they had more sense than the others and didn’t expect me to live in the garage. They did, however, keep attempting to return me to my former, unsatisfactory abode. I kept returning, of course, I’m not one to be easily dissuaded. It took them some time, but finally, they understood – this was my home now, and they finally had a cat to take care of them.
The first year wasn’t perfect, as these humans had some peculiar ideas about house rules. I must say, training humans can be quite the undertaking. It requires finesse, a good dose of catitude, and above all, patience. However, I am seeing progress, and I do believe I’ve found a rather delightful place for myself.
So that is the story of how I went from stray to stay. Stay tuned, dear readers, as I share with you the trials and tribulations of my ongoing efforts to train my humans. As every feline knows, it’s a task that takes time, persistence, and a good deal of sacrifice.