Hello once again, my feline appreciators. I really have an update for you, and this really does encapsulate the essence of my life with a human. For some background, we’ve recently been experiencing some downpours. now, let me assure you that while I love a good adventure, I am not particularly fond of wet fur. However, I had spent a significant portion of the day inside and needed to get a little bit of air on my furs.
My human chose this precise moment to take the dog creature out, and I thought to myself, “why not take the opportunity to get some fresh air before bed?” So, with my usual feline grace, I slipped out into the night.
Despite my abbreviated exploration time, I had a very successful little hunt! A plump mouse made the fatal mistake of crossing my path, and naturally, I took the opportunity to execute a quick and skillful strike, and it was firmly secured between my teeth.

At that moment, my human returned to save me from the rain–perfect timing! I could enjoy my trophy in the warm, dry comfort of the house. However, upon seeing my prize, she had the audacity to… chase me… outside! The indignity of it all!
As if that weren’t enough, she followed me- an unwelcomed presence. Her distraction caused me to lose my grip on my mouse. Though it tried to escape, I was faster, and all could have been saved if my human had just ceased her pursuit! In my momentary lapse of concentration, I dropped the mouse. And guess what my human did next– she PICKED ME UP!!!!! How absolutely unbearable.
Carrying me indoors– without my mouse–she had the gall to declare it was bedtime. The audacity, really. I, a seasoned and skilled hunter, disrespected in such a manner. Humans are indeed strange creatures, but I remain resolute in my endeavors to understand and train my chosen humans. One day, perhaps my humans will understand the stature and respect a hunter of my caliber truly deserves.